Tuesday, December 17, 2013

NASA astronauts recall UFO encounters

Several astronauts have come forward over the years to talk about their experiences with UFOs.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper, who flew in to space as part of NASA's Project Mercury in 1963, is well known for his experiences with UFOs. In 1951 he reported witnessing a number of strange objects flying in formation over Germany.

When asked about the sighting he later admitted that the objects seemed to be flying at a higher altitude and at a greater speed than any known human-built aircraft of the time.

In 1957 Cooper witnessed another UFO actually coming in to land on a dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Despite the incident being recorded on film, Cooper never saw nor heard anything about the strange object again.

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were also said to have observed something unusual during their trip to the moon. The claim, albeit a controversial one, is based on the transcript of the three men talking about a strange object they witnessed outside the spacecraft.

While some see the incident as evidence that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO, in a 2007 interview Aldrin played down the claims by insisting that the transcript had been misrepresented and that the object they'd seen had been nothing more than a panel that had separated from the spacecraft. 

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