Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Could horoscopes be bad for you ?

While astrology may seem harmless, new research has suggested that it could have an unexpected dark side.

The process of reading your star sign has long been associated with an improved mood and positive outlook, but a new study conducted by the Journal of Consumer Research has revealed that in some situations a negative reading can induce undesirable behavior.

Participants were each given a star sign reading and then asked to decide whether they were going to clean their house or go to a party. The results showed that those who were given an undesirable reading were more likely to make an impulsive decision and go to the party that those who had received a positive one.

"Conventional wisdom might suggest that for people who believe they can change their fate, an unfavorable horoscope should result in an attempt to improve their fate," the study authors wrote. "Our results showed that reading an unfavorable horoscope actually has the opposite effect on a person."

According to a different study released in November, more than 37% of the public consult their horoscope before they make a big decision and women are a lot more likely to do so than men. 

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