Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sudoku 24 Quest

Sudoku is an ancient game way back a thousand years ago, it was not from Japan origin but it was from Switzealand and travel to Japan by the way of America. Playing pc games won't makes you smart or any other games form the internet, it was wasting your electricity bills or internet quota.
So grab you pen and start completing the task.
You may download my Sudoku and print the pdf file. The password is **********, the password's price is USD 1.00.
Why should I buy? there are lots of free software over the internet.
Actually you are saving the electricity bills and makes your pc or laptop live more longer.
Payment accepted in paypal, perfect money, egopay and neteller. Email me for password after payment has been made. provide transaction number.
the password price is USD 1.00 only!!

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perfect money :U2810761
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download here now!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Funny Story about love

Something Fishy

Have you heard of the man who fell in love with a mermaid? everything went on smoothly until his mother began to smell something fishy

Confess Our Faults

Mr A: i agree we should all confess our faults to one another. I shall begin. I have a bad habit of stealing.
Mr B : I've horrible habit of lying.
Mr C : I am glutton,
Mr D : I get drunk every night.
Mr E : I've got the terrible habit of gossiping and I can't wait to get out of here!

"Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you" -Anonymous

The Perfect Girl

John is about 42 years old; his friends have already got married while John just dates and dates. One day, a friends asks him, “what’s the matter, are you looking for the perfect woman?are you that particular? can’t you find some one who suits you?”
“No,” John replies.” I meet many nice girls, but as soon as I bring them home to meet my parents, my mother doesn’t like them. So I keep looking.”

“Listen,”his friend suggests,”why don’t you find a girl who just looks like your dear old mother?”. Many weks go by and again John and his friend get together.
“So John, did you find the perfect girl yet? One that’s just like your mother.?”
John shrugs his shoulder.”Yes, I found one just like my mother loved her. They quickly became friends.”
“are you and this girl engaged yet?”
“I am afraid not. My father can’t stand her!”

Monday, June 2, 2014

Simple Calculator VB 6.0, how to add, multiple


Sample for VB 6.0 calculator

learn a basic programming in VB 6.0
Download free here the code sample

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Animal can be trained

Animal can be programmed but not all of them. Would you like to sleep beside a lion even their are been living with you since it was a cub?

Click here to watch 20 sec of parrot flying into a ring
Location : Lokawi Zoo,Sabah, Malaysia


Balance of Truth

Last year, I saw this old man and manage to capture his daily basis to survive. I was thinking that maybe I could be ended like this man if I am not preparing my self from now on. What should I do?
a) Makes long term investment
b) Preventing myself to make more bank loans
c) Live in moderate style

Watch Here direct to
